Pigmento tablet is a formulation to maintain healthy skin. It is composed of bakuchi, neem, Vidang and sharpunkha and more such herbs which help in improving skin health, strengthen immunity and improve melanocyte health. Bakuchi is rich in psoralen which helps improve melanocytes and maintain normal skin, neem is anti microbial and helps remove toxins from the body and sharpunkha is hepatoprotective.
BakuchiIt stimulates melanocytes to synthesize melanin, the pigmenting agent thereby reducing the patches in vitiligo.
VidangaIt protects the melanocytes from the oxidative damage and improves skin health.
SharapunkhaIt modulates immune system and acts on the root cause of vitiligo.
NeemIt acts as a melanin stimulant, anti microbial and maintains normal skin complexion.
Helps formation of melanin pigment Helps maintain normal skin color Provides antioxidant support Offers immunomodulatory action Helps to relieve stress Bakuchi Bakuchi stimulates melanocytes to synthesize melanin, the pigmenting agent thereby reducing the patches in vitiligo. Neem Neem is a natural antiseptic and antimicrobial. Sharapunkha Sharapunkha modulates both the cell-mediated and the humoral components of the immune system and acts on the root cause of vitiligo. Vidanga Vidanga protect the melanocytes from the oxidative damage.