Organic Mochras Silk Cotton Tree, Kopak 50g
Organic Mochras Silk Cotton Tree, Kopak 50g
Mochras is Gum Resin of ‘Bombax malabaricum’. It is also known as ‘Shalmali’ in ayurveda. It is a large deciduous tree with prickles. Salmalia malabarica is commonly known as Silk Cotton Tree in English. It is commonly named as Semul in Hindi and Rakta – Pushpa in Sanskrit. It belongs to the family of Bombacaceae.
Introduction of Mochras (Salmalia malabarica)
Mochras also called Shalmali in Ayurveda is one of the very useful Ayurvedic herbs, used for thousands of years. It is a deciduous tree with a height up to 40 m and a growth up to 6 m or more and can be seen throughout the hotter parts of the country. This species is native to Pakistan and India. Mochras is Gum Resin of 'Bombax malabaricum'. It is a large deciduous tree with prickles. It is astringent in taste and cooling in nature. It balances pitta and Vata dosha.
Botanical Name : Salmalia malabarica
Useful Parts for Mochras (Salmalia malabarica) :
Flower, gum, stem bark
Names in different languages for Mochras (Salmalia malabarica) :
English: Silk cotton tree
Hindi: Shalmali, Semal
Malayalam: Unnamurika
Bengali: Semul
Gujarati: Shimalo
Kannada: Kempu Brugada
Tamil: Sittan, Sanmali
Telugu: Buruga
Health benefits of Mochras (Salmalia malabarica)
Mochras has great benefits in Ayurveda. It is used for the treatment and management of leukorrhea. It is also useful in fighting against itching or burning sensation, skin irritation, or redness of the tissues. Roots of salmalia are used for treating dysentery, diarrhoea, and menorrhagia, are styptic and are also useful for treating wounds. Gum of this plant is used to reduce burning sensation and is also effective for treating haemoptysis, influenza, pulmonary tuberculosis, and enteritis. Paste of bark is applied externally to treat boils, acne, pimples.
Important Ayurvedic formulations prepared with Mochras (Salmalia malabarica) are
Shalmali Ghrita, Chandana Sava and Himasagara Thailam.
Shalmali or Mochras is one of the very useful Ayurvedic herbs used to treat dysentery, haemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza, menorrhagia, burning sensation, blood impurities, skin eruptions, chronic inflammations, ulcers, gonorrhoea, and for restoring skin colour.