cystone Forte 30 tablets strong spasmolytic action and helps relieve colicky pain.
cystone Forte 30 tablets strong spasmolytic action and helps relieve colicky pain.
cystone Forte 30 tablets strong spasmolytic action and helps relieve colicky pain.
possesses antilithiatic activity that prevents deposition, accumulation, and supersaturation of calculogenic materials.
strong spasmolytic action and helps relieve colicky pain.
Ayurveda texts and modern research back the following facts:
Gojihva exhibits strong spasmolytic action and helps relieve colicky pain.
Nagaramusta has a strong diuretic action and helps flush the kidney stones.
Pasanabheda exhibits lithotriptic activity that helps dissolve mucin faster.
Shilapushpa possesses antilithiatic activity that prevents deposition, accumulation, and supersaturation of calculogenic materials.
Please consult your physician to prescribe the dosage that best suits the condition.
Two tablets twice daily.