BGR 34 for diabetes , blood sugar management

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Winning the fight against the silent killer,

BGR-34 has been developed by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India. A novel technology effective in regularising carbohydrates metabolism with scientific authenticity. The research team comprising of eminent scientists and doctors have developed BGR-34, a novel phyto research providing, affordable, effective and safe healthcare to the suffering masses.

BGR-34 is a novel herbo-mix to provide complete health of patient systemically & symptomatically. It is a promising, safe drug regimen which effectively maintains normal carbohydrate metabolism and reduce the chances of long term complications.

Maintains carbohydrate metabolism by effectively working on restoring the functioning of various enzymes in the body like inhibiting DPP-4 enzymes.

Supplements bioactive constituents like Galactomannan, Epicatechin, Marsupin, Berberine, Gymnemic acid, Soluble dietary fibres etc. for delaying carbohydrate absorption in calorie cautious individuals.

Boosts body defence system & anti-oxidant system to protect vital organs.

Nourishes and strengthens vital organs by supplementing various phytonutrients and reducing oxidative damage caused by free radicals.







The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your problem without consulting your doctor.

Key Ingredients of BGR-34
Indications for BGR-34
  • Help regulate carbohydrate metabolism, prevent long term complications and tone body functions.
  • Checks over fatigue and weakness.
  • Adjuvant in the management of disturbed carbohydrate metabolism or as directed by the physician.
  • Dosage of BGR-34
        • Tablet:

    2 tablets twice a day

    (should be taken 30 minutes before meal)

    Safety of BGR-34

    The products have been found clinically safe in short or long term usage in therapeutic dosage under medical supervision.